How to sew a button onto a pair of jeans

Materials Needed

A replacement button (make sure it’s the right size and style for your jeans)
Strong thread (preferably in a matching color to your jeans)
Thimble (optional, but helpful)


Prepare your materials: Cut a length of thread (about 18 inches should be sufficient). Thread the needle and tie a knot at the end.

Position the button: Place the button in the desired location on the waistband of your jeans. Make sure it lines up with the buttonhole.

Anchor the thread: Insert the needle from the backside of the fabric, coming up through one of the holes in the button. Pull the thread tight, so the knot is flush against the fabric.

Sew the button: Insert the needle back down through the opposite hole in the button, pulling the thread tight. Repeat this process 3-4 times, ensuring the button is securely attached. If your button has four holes, alternate between diagonal and parallel stitches.

Secure the thread: After sewing the button, insert the needle back through the fabric without going through a buttonhole. Wrap the thread around the stitches underneath the button a few times to create a shank, which will help the button lay flat and allow for easier buttoning.

Finish: Insert the needle back through the fabric to the backside, and tie a knot close to the fabric to secure the thread. Trim any excess thread, and your button should be securely attached to your jeans!

Note that some buttons for jeans that are attached through a rivet-like mechanism or with a specialized tool. In these cases, you may need to purchase a replacement button specifically designed for your jeans and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for attaching it.



